1. How much are the dues, and how often are they paid?
    During the pledge period, $55 is due at the start, and another $55 is due upon initiation.  As an active member, dues are $110 per semester.

  2. What is the time commitment per week during the pledge period?
    Approxomatley 4-6 hours per week.  This time is spent in meetings, interviewing active members, and in various social events.  However, like many other organizations, you get out of it what you put into it.

  3. What opportunities do I have to take on a leadership role?
    Within the pledge class, there is an executive board, and six committees.  These are great ways for a pledge to get his or her feet wet in a leadership position.  In the active body, there are seven executive board positions, and thirteen committees for one to take a leadership role.

  4. I am a Marketing major.  How is Phi Chi Theta going to help me in that respect?
    No business major takes place in a vacuum.  Just like in the real world, marketing personell need to have goals in line with the business as a whole.  Membership in Phi Chi Theta enables a business student to get to know and work with students in all business majors, such as Accounting, Finance, MIS, and of course, other Marketing majors.   Membership in Phi Chi Theta also assists in networking.

  5. Can I join Phi Chi Theta, even though I am in another fraternity?
    We encourage you to belong to any organizations you wish to belong to, including professional organizations, such as the Association of Information Technology Professionals, or the American Marketing Association.  You may pledge Phi Chi Theta even if you are an active member of another social or honorary fraternity.  Although, you may not pledge Phi Chi Theta if you are a member of another professional business fraternity, such as Alpha Kappa Psi.

  6. Last semester, I saw the pledges carrying around books.   What is that all about?
    In order to teach and emphasize professionalism, we require one day a week that the pledges must carry their pledge books, to simulate carrying a day-planner, and other business necessities.

  7. How long is the Pledge period?
    Currently, the pledge period is eight weeks long.

  8. If I do all the work expected of me as a pledge, do I automatically become an active member?
    No.  The active body is still required to vote to accept you as an active member.   If you act professional during the pledge period, you should not have anything to worry about it. 

  9. Is there any hazing?
    NO!!  Under our national policy, no hazing of any kind is allowed.  We are a professional business fraternity, and that is how we act. 

  10. Can I go back to the Phi Chi Theta Home page now?
    Yes, you may.